Privacy statement

When you contact Juralink, by telephone, by mail or via the contact form on the website, or in a personal conversation, you make the choice to share personal data with Juralink. Juralink will use and store (“process”) this information to the extent necessary in the context of our services to you.

What personal information do you provide and how
We collect information about the users of our website through Google analytical cookies. For example how long you visit our page, what your preferred language is etc. We do this to improve our website and services. To this end, we have concluded a processor agreement with Google Analytics. We have disabled the “share data” option with Google. You can visit our website anonymously, because the last part of our visitors’ IP address is masked.
In the contact form on our website you can enter your email address or telephone number so that we can get in touch with you. We advise you to give just a general description of your question there.
Depending on your question, you will provide certain personal information to us, in hard copy or digital. We will often ask you questions and request further information. This is always for the benefit of the service to you.
When you register for our newsletter, we will store and use your e-mail address for this. You can always unsubscribe again.
Exchange of business cards is to contact you on later occasion. We will therefore keep them and contact you if there is a reasonable ground. For example, if we would like to use your expertise or if we think we have useful information for you. We will then ask your consent for any subsequent processing.
Personal data from other sources
In addition, we can look up personal data from other sources, such as public registers (Chamber of Commerce, Land Register) or social media and other publicly available sources.

Legal basis for processing
We only process personal data if we have a legal basis for this:
• Your permission
• An agreement or preparations for concluding an agreement for services to you
• Execution of a legal obligation
• A justified interest

Goals of processing
We process your personal data within the framework of our services. That includes the following goals:
– The contact with you;
– Services to you;
– Invoicing;
– Administration;
– Reaction to applications;
– Payment to suppliers / service providers;
– Information on potentially relevant topics (newsletter, seminars);
– Execute a legal obligation, such as compliance and know your client requirements in accordance with the legal requirements.
– Analysis of website visits, in order to better align our services with (potential) clients.

Sharing with Juralink colleagues abroad
From the nature of our office, which specializes in advice on Russian law and has offices / entities in Russia and in the Netherlands, it follows that we share data with/amongst colleagues in Russia. We will provide personal data to colleagues in Russia, in advance, to provide an indication about possible services and upon agreement with you for the provision of services. Colleagues sometimes work for Juralink Consultancy BV, sometimes for her Russian sister OOO Juralink.
Russia is not designated by the European Commission as one of the countries offering adequate protection. We state this non-conformity on our website, in our e-mail messages and in our legal service contract with clients. You can then decide for yourself whether you want to share personal information with us. We will do our best to offer appropriate safeguards for processing of your personal data.
In countries such as Ukraine, Belarus, Azerbaijan or Kazakhstan, Juralink cooperates with local lawyers. If your questions concerns any of these countries we will ask your explicit consent before transferring any personal data.

Providing data to third parties
Juralink does not provide your data to third parties unless this is necessary for the execution of our agreement with you or to comply with a legal obligation.

-Transfer of data to implement our agreement
In the context of our services, it is sometimes necessary to share your personal data with others, for example when a contract is negotiated with the counterpart, or when the notary must pass a deed.
We also work with service providers for the maintenance of our ICT systems and for hosting our email, which is hosted on a server in Russia. We take measures to restrict their access to personal data during their work.
In case third party service providers do have data access, we will conclude a processor agreement to ensure the same level of security and confidentiality of your data. Juralink remains responsible for these processing operations.
-Transfer of data to comply with a legal obligation
In some cases we are obliged by law or under a court order to provide information, including personal data, to local authorities in the Netherlands or Russia. If we are obliged to do so, we will make every effort to inform you in advance, unless that is not permitted or due to the circumstances is not reasonably feasible.

Automated decision-making
Juralink does not use automated processing (profiling) that would lead to decisions that could have (significant) consequences for people. These are decisions that are taken by computer programs or systems, without involving a person (for example, a Juralink employee).

Cookies or similar techniques
A cookie is a small text file that is stored on your computer, tablet or smartphone when you first visit this website. The cookies we use are necessary for the technical operation of the website and your ease of use. They ensure that the website works properly and remember, for example, your preferences. We can also optimize our website with this. You can opt out of cookies by setting your internet browser so that it does not store cookies anymore. In addition, you can also delete all information that was previously given.
Juralink only uses Google analytics. Google analytics is a kind of analytical cookie with little risk for privacy infringement. In accordance with GDPR it is therefore not required to ask any consent of a website visitor for using Google analytics nor for processing of any personal data thereby obtained.

We will handle your data carefully and take appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your data. Our employees are obliged to maintain confidentiality regarding work-related information.

Storage period
We do not store your data longer than necessary. If no further services are provided by us and the invoice has been paid, personal data will be deleted.
We will only keep your contact details to update you on legal developments and to invite you for seminars.
In case of open applications, your data will be deleted after 4 weeks unless you indicate that we can keep them for up to 1 year. We do not send data to third parties who may be interested in your CV without your permission.

Your rights
You have the right to view your details with us, to have them corrected or removed. You can always withdraw any permission previously given for data processing. You can sometimes limit the processing of your data or have it object to processing. Finally, you have the right to data portability, i.e. the transferability of personal data. You can send a request to
To ensure that the request for access has been made by you, we ask you to send a copy of your ID with the request. Make your passport photo, MRZ (machine readable zone, the strip with numbers at the bottom of the passport), passport number and citizen service number (BSN) black in this copy. This is to protect your privacy. We respond as quickly as possible, but within four weeks, at your request.

If you have complaints about the processing of your personal data by us, you can make this known to the Dutch Personal Data Authority. To do this, use the following link:

Juralink Consultancy B.V.
Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 331B
1012RM Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Do you have a legal question regarding Russia?

+31 6 464 17 838

Our team is available on weekdays from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm.

Contact form
18 july 2024

Russia: Tax Hikes Reform

Russia is planning several changes into its tax legislation, whose effects will swiftly become noticeable among the taxpayers. He...

Our locations

  • Moscow
  • Cologne
  • St. Petersburg
  • Amsterdam
  • Ukraine / Belarus
  • Juralink Amsterdam

    Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 331B
    1012 RM Amsterdam

    Please check for urgent correspondence.
  • Juralink Cologne

    + 49 152 071 696 44

    Kölner Betriebsstätte der Juralink Consultancy B.V.
  • Juralink Moscow

    +7 495 966 0456
    + 7 495 625 34 76 (fax)

    + 7 903 749 87 59 (Lodewijk)

    OOO Juralink
    Krasnoproletarskaya ul. 16, building. 1, 4th floor
    127473 Moscow
    Russian Federation

    Please take entrance 3 (near the sign of delicatessen Brothers Karavaev

    "Братья Караваевы").
  • Juralink St. Petersburg

    +7 812 374 65 75

    OOO Juralink-Gnius
    Nevsky Prospect 30, office 3.12
    191011 St. Petersburg
    Russian Federation
  • Juralink Ukraine
    Juralink Belarus

    +375 29 684 8085

Our partners