Netherlands desk

If you have questions about the legislation of the Netherlands or about applicability of Netherlands or foreign law, please contact our office in the Netherlands.

Marriages and divorces

Marriages and divorces between partners of Russian and Dutch nationality bring specific questions. A first issue often is to find out what law is applicable. Good cooperation between specialists in the Netherlands and Russia is crucial. Our lawyers in Russia are available for divorce proceedings, but in the Netherlands we do not represent parties in court.

Nationality and immigration to the Netherlands

There are specific rules and procedures for immigration to the Netherlands. You will find a lot of information on the website of the Netherlands immigration service. Nevertheless it is hard to find your way in the forest of forms and rules. We have experience with immigration law and are happy to help you. In complex cases we work together with specialized lawyers.

Labour disputes

For expats working in the Netherlands, a potential employment termination will have great impact. If such situation occurs you may find yourself at loss about all the regulations. We can clarify the rules and help you choose your best option, by means of advising you, negotiation on your behalf with employer or representing you (in court). It is particularly gratifying to help such unpleasant situations be resolved in (comparatively) positive manner.

We are available for short consultations, without further costs or obligations.

Do you have a legal question regarding Russia?

Our team is available on weekdays from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm.

Contact form
18 july 2024

Russia: Tax Hikes Reform

Russia is planning several changes into its tax legislation, whose effects will swiftly become noticeable among the taxpayers. He...

Our locations

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  • Cologne
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  • Amsterdam
  • Ukraine / Belarus
  • Juralink Amsterdam

    Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 331B
    1012 RM Amsterdam

    Please check for urgent correspondence.
  • Juralink Cologne

    + 49 152 071 696 44

    Kölner Betriebsstätte der Juralink Consultancy B.V.
  • Juralink Moscow

    +7 495 966 0456
    + 7 495 625 34 76 (fax)

    + 7 903 749 87 59 (Lodewijk)

    OOO Juralink
    Krasnoproletarskaya ul. 16, building. 1, 4th floor
    127473 Moscow
    Russian Federation

    Please take entrance 3 (near the sign of delicatessen Brothers Karavaev

    "Братья Караваевы").
  • Juralink St. Petersburg

    +7 812 374 65 75

    OOO Juralink-Gnius
    Nevsky Prospect 30, office 3.12
    191011 St. Petersburg
    Russian Federation
  • Juralink Ukraine
    Juralink Belarus

    +375 29 684 8085

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