Family law in Russia

Juralink offers family law expertise in Russia, but also in Ukraine (via our local partner).


We wish you the best of happiness in your (future) marriage. In all the joy, please do not forget to put some mutual agreements on paper – just in case. Let us know if you would like some help on making marital conditions in Russia.

Divorce matters

Facing a divorce or other matrimonial problem is never an easy time. Our experts can help you manage this difficult process and guide you through the stressful time making sound decisions for your future and the future of your dearest ones. Matters such as child custody and visitation rights, child support, alimony and the division of property require an understanding of both local and international aspects. Our experienced divorce attorney in Russia can advise and represent you. Where necessary, we will co-operate with Dutch experts.

In an attempt to minimize the emotional impact of divorce or separation on both spouses and children, we encourage open, respectful and amicable solutions through negotiations. Sometimes however a court case cannot be avoided. A good attorney will stand by your side and pro-actively protect your interests. Did you know that it is possible to modify or terminate existing out of court agreements for alimony and child custody even after divorce?

We are available for free initial telephone consultations. All enquiries are completely confidential.


Sadly, it happens that one parent leaves home with the children and moves abroad against the will of the other parent. This is effectively kidnapping. Re-uniting the child with both father and mother in one home may be difficult, but at least every child has the basic right to see both its father and its mother on a regular basis. We will do our best to help realize this.

Inheritance matters

Inheritance issues with a foreign, Russian, element can be quite complex. Russian legislation is different from the Dutch (Belgian) legislation, especially when it comes to real estate. It is wise to consult with a local attorney before claiming an inheritance. Juralink experts can help you at all stages of the Russian inheritance process: inheritance application, accounting of decedent’s assets, accession to the heirship and obtaining of property titles, selling real estate and repatriating your funds, enforcement of your inheritance rights in court, inheritance and will disputes.

Migration and nationality

International relations and marriages bring new challenges and opportunities for immigration and nationalization. In general, spouses and family members benefit from easier immigration conditions. But there are still rules to comply with, and you will need to sustain yourself and your family. Conflicting rules may apply to children born (in a third country) from mixed relations. We can help you get a clear picture of the rules and possibilities.

We also have good expertise in immigration to the Netherlands.

Do you have a legal question regarding Russia?

Our team is available on weekdays from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm.

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18 july 2024

Russia: Tax Hikes Reform

Russia is planning several changes into its tax legislation, whose effects will swiftly become noticeable among the taxpayers. He...

Our locations

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  • Cologne
  • St. Petersburg
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  • Ukraine / Belarus
  • Juralink Amsterdam

    Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 331B
    1012 RM Amsterdam

    Please check for urgent correspondence.
  • Juralink Cologne

    + 49 152 071 696 44

    Kölner Betriebsstätte der Juralink Consultancy B.V.
  • Juralink Moscow

    +7 495 966 0456
    + 7 495 625 34 76 (fax)

    + 7 903 749 87 59 (Lodewijk)

    OOO Juralink
    Krasnoproletarskaya ul. 16, building. 1, 4th floor
    127473 Moscow
    Russian Federation

    Please take entrance 3 (near the sign of delicatessen Brothers Karavaev

    "Братья Караваевы").
  • Juralink St. Petersburg

    +7 812 374 65 75

    OOO Juralink-Gnius
    Nevsky Prospect 30, office 3.12
    191011 St. Petersburg
    Russian Federation
  • Juralink Ukraine
    Juralink Belarus

    +375 29 684 8085

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