Tax in Russia

Of course we can advise you on any issues with relation to private income tax in Russia, Corporate Income Tax, VAT, interest and dividend withholding taxes and relevant double tax treaties. After termination of the Netherlands-Russian Double Tax Treaty by Russia, this will cease to be effective from 1 January 2022.

International tax planning is useful to structure the organization of your business and minimize tax expenditure. International tax structures are currently under scrutiny by local governments and international organizations, and are strongly influenced by rapidly changing laws and planned changes in tax treaties. Juralink supports new companies and their shareholders in optimizing their long-term operating and financing structure from a tax perspective. Existing companies and their owners can count on active advice and the identification of interesting legal tax alternatives. Our tax expert will be happy to get in touch.

Please note that Juralink complies with applicable anti-terrorism and anti-money laundering laws and complies with the required Know Your Client procedures.

Do you have a legal question regarding Russia?

Our team is available on weekdays from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm.

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09 september 2024

Declaration of watches, jewelries and other valuable personal belongings at Russian customs

Juralink’s customs lawyers have recently registered the increase of queries relating to the disputes with Russian customs on no...

Our locations

  • Moscow
  • Cologne
  • St. Petersburg
  • Amsterdam
  • Ukraine / Belarus
  • Juralink Amsterdam

    Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 331B
    1012 RM Amsterdam

    Please check for urgent correspondence.
  • Juralink Cologne

    + 49 152 071 696 44

    Kölner Betriebsstätte der Juralink Consultancy B.V.
  • Juralink Moscow

    +7 495 966 0456
    + 7 495 625 34 76 (fax)

    + 7 903 749 87 59 (Lodewijk)

    OOO Juralink
    Krasnoproletarskaya ul. 16, building. 1, 4th floor
    127473 Moscow
    Russian Federation

    Please take entrance 3 (near the sign of delicatessen Brothers Karavaev

    "Братья Караваевы").
  • Juralink St. Petersburg

    +7 812 374 65 75

    OOO Juralink-Gnius
    Nevsky Prospect 30, office 3.12
    191011 St. Petersburg
    Russian Federation
  • Juralink Ukraine
    Juralink Belarus

    +375 29 684 8085

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