Latest news

18 july 2024

Russia: Tax Hikes Reform

Russia is planning several changes into its tax legislation, whose effects will swiftly become noticeable among the taxpayers. Hereto it is planned to raise several tax rates to fill in the gaps in t...

12 march 2024

Amendments to the Government Commission Approval procedure

In accordance with the recently introduced amendments to the Government Decree No. 295 dd. March 6, 2022, establishing the rules for issuance of the Government Commission Approvals aimed at...

10 january 2024

Changes to HQS regulations

Major changes have been recently introduced to regulations concerning highly qualified specialists (hereinafter referred to as the “HQS”) in accordance with the recently adopted Federal Law No. 3...

05 september 2023

Russian residency for foreign investors

The procedure of obtainment of residence permits has been much simplified for foreign investors. From now on, a foreigner applying for such residence permit and satisfying the criteria introduced by ...

24 march 2023

Monitoring of the 6-months term of HQS staying outside Russia is back

We would like to draw your attention to the return of limitation terms for validity of work permits for highly qualified specialists (hereinafter referred to as the 'HQS'). In case a HQS stays o...

24 march 2023

Russia to suspend the DTTs with EU

Russia prepares to strike back in response to the 10th sanction package and its blacklisting as a tax haven i.e. non-cooperating jurisdictions in tax matters by the EU.  Previous week th...

03 february 2023

Further restrictions on shareholders' rights

Rights restrictions of “unfriendly“ shareholders participating in big russian market players The recently released Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dd. January, 17 2023 establ...

16 december 2022

Governmental approval on transactions with Russian shares

Barriers for foreign investors on the way out of the Russian market - Mandatory Government Approval for transactions with Russian shares On September this year Presidential Decree No. 618 ...

28 september 2022

Employers to help the Russian state organize the mobilization  

After the announcement of partial mobilization by the President’s Decree on September 21, 2022 the employers are obliged to facilitate the enlistment into the Russian army when the call up to the m...

16 september 2022

New obstacles for foreign exit strategies from the Russian market

On September 08, 2022 the President Decree No. 618 implemented another hurdle for foreign companies trying to terminate their business operations in Russia. Since March of this year foreign companies...

11 august 2022

Russian Bonds - Funds Recovery

Seeking funds recovery from Russian bonds?  New payment options for bondholders of Russian sovereign debt. Due to sanctions, many investors are desperate for restructuring opportunities of their ...

05 march 2022

Update of (Counter)Measures

With events unfolding quickly and measures and countermeasures following swiftly, we refer to a comprehensive overview of relevant current news for the business community in Russia. It is a newslette...

31 january 2022

Webinar Consequences Denunciation Tax Treaty 9 February 2022

The Netherlands Embassy in Moscow and the Consulate-General in St. Petersburg organize interesting webinars. We note in particular the following. On February 9, 2022 there will be a webinar titled...

01 january 2022

Happy New Year!


30 december 2021

Mandatory medical tests for foreigners in Russia

From December 29, 2021 all foreigners in Russia must undergo extensive medical monitoring under a law* to improve health safety in the country. The law requires the following: Submission of biomet...

16 september 2021

Simplified visa procedures for close relatives of Russian citizens

From 1 September 2021, a simplified Russian visa procedure applies to close relatives of Russian citizens abroad. A Russian citizen in for instance the Netherlands, can submit an application for an e...

12 july 2021

Changes in Russian migration legislation

As of 29 December 2021, important changes in Russian migration legislation will enter into force. Fingerprint registration and photographing: For whom and when: Foreign citizens, who arrived...

26 may 2021

End to Double Tax Treaty Russia-Netherlands- update

Update May 26, 2021: today President Putin signed the law on Double Tax Tready ("DTT") denunciation with the Netherlands (Federal Law of May 26, 2021 Nr. 139-ФЗ). It is expected that Russia wi...

25 may 2021

UBO Reporting in Russia

Starting from 2022 UBO Reporting in Russia will be required for all foreign companies. Russian subsidiaries of foreign companies are already required to maintain and annually update the UBO file. ...

30 april 2021

Remote work: special aspects

Many employers do not care where their remote employees work. And for this reason they do not indicate in employment contracts the place of work performance or simply write “Russia” or even “th...

30 march 2021

End to tax treaty Russia-Netherlands- update

Update April 9, 2021: the Russian government has decided to submit the draft bill on denouncing the treaty to the State Duma. If the Duma approves the bill before 1 July 2021, the tax treaty will en...

01 march 2021

Importers’ additional obligations from July 2021

Since the beginning of 2021 the Decree of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia N 478 came into force that implemented the obligation for the applicants of conformity declarations for produc...

21 january 2021

E-visa for Russia

After the spread of the Covid-19 virus is sufficiently overcome in the opinion of the Russian authorities, the introduction of a new type of visa to enter Russia is expected: the ‘Unified e-visa’...

20 january 2021

Dismissals in Russia: Recent Developments

602,308,745 rubles were received by illegally dismissed employees from their employers through the courts for the period 2018 - the first half of 2020. This figure perfectly demonstrates that the ...

17 december 2020

Russia threatens to terminate DTT with the Netherlands

After having pressed Cyprus, Malta and Luxembourg to renegotiate their Double Taxation Treaties (DTT) for a withholding tax rate of 15% to be applied to most dividend and interest payments, Russia fa...

07 december 2020

Branches of foreign companies will be allowed to obtain licenses in the Russian Federation.

Foreign businesses will no longer need to register a separate company in Russia. The Ministry of Economic Development is planning to allow the branches of foreign companies in Russia to obtain a lice...

24 november 2020

New rules for coronavirus tests

Since 17 November 2020 a number of new COVID-19 rules are applicable in Russia. The most important new rules are: 1. The COVID-19 laboratory test must be no older than  48 hours now (there...

13 november 2020

Russia preparing for recognition of foreign judgements

Russia is preparing to join the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgements in Civil or Commercial Matters of 2 July 2019. On 19 October 2020 The Ministry of Justice of the...

11 august 2020

Elimination of reduced withholding tax?

Russia has proposed to eliminate the reduced rate of dividend withholding tax from its double tax treaty with the Netherlands. The reduced 5% rate is to be raised to the full 15% of withholding tax o...

23 july 2020

Returning to work and COVID-19 compliance

When you decide that employees shall (partially) return to your Russian office, be well prepared. You must comply with detailed instructions from government agencies and sanitary inspectors, regardin...

11 june 2020

Digitalization of Russian labor books

Recent changes in Russian labor legislation aim to digitalize records with regard to employees’ labor activities and implement so called «e-labor books». During 2020 employees have the right to c...

26 may 2020

Support measure for SME's on the list of affected industries

Support measures have been announced per May 1, 2020 for SME's that were included in the list of affected industries published in Government Order Nr. 434 of 03.04.2020. Companies that as of March...

05 may 2020

Force majeure and coronavirus in Ukraine and Belarus

Our local lawyer in Ukraine and Belarus is sharing some tips on options to invoke force majeure for non-performance of a contract. Many businesses are increasingly interested in recourse to force-...

21 april 2020

Chairman of AEB Council

© AEB Congratulations to Lodewijk! The AEB Council of National Representation  (“CNR”) re-elected Juralink’s managing partner Lodewijk Schlingemann as its Chairman. The Association ...

17 april 2020

Force majeure certificates issued by the Russian Chamber of Commerce

Foreign companies who cannot (timely) fulfil their contractual obligations to a Russian partner due to COVID-19 may obtain a force majeure certificate from the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industr...

06 april 2020

Russian borders closed until May: consequences for HQS

Due to COVID-19, the Russian borders will remain closed until May. This can have consequences for foreigners with a Highly Qualified Specialist (HQS) status, both inside and outside Russia. In gen...

30 march 2020

Remote working requires addition to the employment contract

The Russian Ministry of Work has given explanations about work during the non-working “quarantine days" announced by president Putin. Remote working does require signature of a an addition to the e...

27 march 2020

Increase of dividend withholding tax to 15%

Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin gave the Russian Ministry of Finance one month to review all double taxation agreements (DTAs) for increase of dividend withholding tax to a minimum of 15%. This foll...

26 march 2020

President Putin announced non-working “quarantine days” and economic measures

On March 25, president Putin issued Decree No. 206 on additional non-working days from March 30 to April 3, 2020, with employees maintaining their wages. This measure is intended to slow the spread o...

20 march 2020

Issue of work permits resumed, visa extended

MIA of Russia: applications for work permits resumed and all categories of visas extended from March 19 due to the spread of COVID-19. From 19 March, foreign nationals will be granted an extension...

18 march 2020

Access to Russia and visa for foreigners suspended

From March 18, 2020 until May 1, 2020 there will be very severe restrictions for entry of foreigners into the Russian Federation. This measure is taken to prevent the spread of Covid-19. It is set ou...

18 march 2020

Invoking force majeure due to Coronavirus- Certificate Chamber of Commerce

The coronavirus has a huge impact on trade between international parties. Closure of production facilities, logistical restrictions and unavailability of staff can make it difficult to fulfil your co...

16 march 2020

Juralink - COVID-19 measures

Dear clients and partners, In the fight against the spread of the COVID-19 virus, the Moscow authorities have taken several precautionary measures (for more information:

13 march 2020

Requirement of notarial certification of shareholder decisions

Please be informed that due to a precedent ruling of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation all meetings held by the shareholders and all decisions adopted must from now on be certified in the p...

12 march 2020

Overview of Corona virus in Russia

Overview of Corona virus in Russia and measures taken by the Russian Federation against the spread of the virus So far, Russia has reported 20 coronavirus infections*. A number of them are located...

11 march 2020

OOO Annual General Meeting before April 30, 2020

All Russian limited liability companies ('LLC'- in Russian 'OOO') should hold Annual General Meetings before April 30, 2020. A kind reminder to prepare for the meeting in accordance with the Arti...

07 march 2020

Happy International Women's Day!


18 february 2020

Electronic labour book, requirements for employer in Russia

A new law effective January 1, 2020 (No. 439-FZ*) allows employees to choose for an electronic format of the labour book (= the mandatory registration of an employee’s labour history), instead of t...

17 january 2020

Constitutional changes announced by Mr. Putin

Unexpectedly, on 15 January 2020, Russian president Vladimir Putin announced a radical overhaul of the constitution. It is to include about ten changes to the constitution and would distribute powers...

10 january 2020

Increased fines data localisation Russia

On 2 December 2019 a law came into effect increasing fines for non-compliance with the Russian data localisation requirements. The proposed fines could amount to a maximum of 6 million RUB (approxima...

31 december 2019

A Happy New Year!

We wish you all Happiness, Health and Prosperity for the year 2020. May you enjoy the holidays with your dear ones. We hope to be in touch again in the year ahead. Please note that our...

19 december 2019

Five Reasons to Invest in Belarus

Being a member of the Eurasian Economic Union, Belarus gives its investors access to the markets of Russia, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan with 184 000 000 consumers.  Belarus can not boast of...

16 december 2019

Electronic documents acceptable in labour issues UA

On 06 December 2019 the Ukrainian Rada (the Parliament) passed a law adopting an important amendment to the Code of Labour Laws of Ukraine.  In particular, it introduces a new Article 5, whereby...

12 december 2019

Five Reasons to Invest in Ukraine

1.        Ukraine is a big European state and a big market with 42 million consumers.  The country is rich in natural resources (fertile lands, coal and ore mining (marganese, titanium, iron)...

09 december 2019

Welcome to lawyer for Ukraine & Belarus

Juralink is extending its services to Ukraine and Belarus. We are pleased to welcome Vladimir Zenkovich, an experienced local lawyer, to our team. Vladimir has previously worked on corporate and cont...

measles Russia legislation 05 december 2019

Make sure to have proof of vaccination or immunity to measles

Authorities in the Russian Federation have published measures for the prevention and control of the measles. Employers must carry out immunization measures against the measles among their employees ...

09 october 2019

Presentation on Russian plant IP

Our colleague Anna gave a presentation on protection of plant races and trademarks in the Russian Federation. It was part of the 5 November 2019 CIOPORA Academy. You are very welcome to attend. Re...

23 july 2019

Highly qualified specialists are required to register a personified account due to cancelling of the SNILS

From 01.04.2019, the insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance, which indicated the SNILS (insurance number of an individual personal account), is no longer issued. In confirmation of the...

measles Russia legislation 06 june 2019

Measures against the measles

Authorities in the Russian Federation have published measures for the prevention and control of the measles. Employers will be required to carry out immunization measures against the measles amon...

17 may 2019

Reporting on transfers to accounts outside the RF

Residents (individuals) of the Russian Federation must annually prior to 1st June file a report on the transfer of funds in the previous year to accounts, outside the territory of the Russian Federat...

29 april 2019

Draft greenhouse gas law impact

The new draft law on greenhouse gas emissions could have serious financial implications for companies with sizeable emissions. The draft is an indication that the Russian government will be imposi...

26 april 2019

Successful April 25 seminar on Russia

The EVOFenedex seminar on Russia attracted a large number of participants. Clearly entrepreneurs are interested to understand requirements for doing business in Russia. Lodewijk Schlingemann of Jural...

15 march 2019

New office in Cologne

Juralink is pleased to announce the opening of its new office in Cologne, Germany. From there, we will offer specialised assistance to German companies doing business in Russia and to private persons...

03 march 2019

Seminar "Russia and risks of export" on April 25

We would like to invite you to the Russia Seminar of EVOfenedex on 25 April in Amersfoort! Create your own program by choosing from inspiring, instructive and practical workshops. The speakers are...

11 february 2019

Registration term for foreign companies providing e-services expiring

As per February 15 the term during which foreign organizations providing E-services must file an application on tax registration will expire. Since January 1, 2019 all foreign organizations, that ...

05 february 2019

Personal income tax exemption on sale of property extended to non-residents

From January 1, 2019 an exemption from personal income tax regarding the sale of property has become effective in the Russian Federation. Property comprises both immovable and other property except p...

21 january 2019

Execution of international arbitration decisions under threat

The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation has supported the decisions of lower courts that refuse to execute the arbitral award of a foreign court. The ground provided is that the arbitration claus...

25 december 2018

Happy Holidays and Best Wishes for 2019!

We would like to thank you for the co-operation in the past year and we are looking forward to develop new interesting projects with you in the new year. For now we wish you joyfull holidays with fa...

14 december 2018

Exceptions to 90 day HQS registration

According to the migration legislation of the Russian Federation, highly qualified specialists must be registered at their place of stay in Russia within 90 days. But there are two exceptions: ...

22 october 2018

Special music performance

Nadjeschda and the Queen of Spades by Tchaikovsky is an special theatrical music performance about the women in Tchaikovsky's life and their influence on his work. A variation of musical pieces is lin...

17 august 2018

More moderate Russian response to US sanction?

Russia has not yet published its response to the latest US sanctions. Earlier there were notes about introduction of criminal liability for compliance with US sanctions. But more moderate measures are...

02 july 2018

Migration law change may cause difficulties

Law № 163 introduces important changes to the registration process of foreign citizens in Russia effective from 08 July 2018. It will affect all foreign citizens working in Russia including highly q...

24 may 2018

Strict visa registration during World Cup in Russia

Are you coming to Russia between 25 May - 26 July 2018, and in particular the following cities: Volgograd, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Kaliningrad, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov-on-Don, Samara, St. Peter...

19 april 2018

Russian sanctions being prepared

In response to the US April 6 sanctions, Russia is preparing broad countersanctions. The draft bill of Friday April 13, 2018 proposes 16 restrictions on US agricultural, food, alcohol, tobacco and med...

19 april 2018

New US Sanctions announced April 6, 2018

On April 6, 2018 US OFAC (Office of Foreign Asset Control) issued new, severe sanctions against Russia. Sanctions include the designation of 7 oligarchs, 13 legal entities and 17 government officia...

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  • Ukraine / Belarus
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    1012 RM Amsterdam

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    + 49 152 071 696 44

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  • Juralink Moscow

    +7 495 966 0456
    + 7 495 625 34 76 (fax)

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    Krasnoproletarskaya ul. 16, building. 1, 4th floor
    127473 Moscow
    Russian Federation

    Please take entrance 3 (near the sign of delicatessen Brothers Karavaev

    "Братья Караваевы").
  • Juralink St. Petersburg

    +7 812 374 65 75

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    Nevsky Prospect 30, office 3.12
    191011 St. Petersburg
    Russian Federation
  • Juralink Ukraine
    Juralink Belarus

    +375 29 684 8085

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