Requirement of notarial certification of shareholder decisions

Please be informed that due to a precedent ruling of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation all meetings held by the shareholders and all decisions adopted must from now on be certified in the presence of a notary, unless the Charter of the company expressly provides for a possibility of certification via simple signatures of shareholders present at the Meeting. For more information, click on the link below.

In order to make use of the simplified certification procedure from now on, changes should be made to the company’s Charter, adding relevant provisions on simplified certification (unless already included), and registered with the Russian tax authority.

Please inform us if you are interested to keep the simplified certification procedure by making Charter amendments. We will be glad to assist you with the preparation and execution of documentation.

If you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Do you have a legal question regarding Russia?

Our team is available on weekdays from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm.

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18 july 2024

Russia: Tax Hikes Reform

Russia is planning several changes into its tax legislation, whose effects will swiftly become noticeable among the taxpayers. He...

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