1. Ukraine is a big European state and a big market with 42 million consumers. The country is rich in natural resources (fertile lands, coal and ore mining (marganese, titanium, iron). The Ukrainian GDP at current prices is almost 131 billion USD. Ukrainian workers are cheap, disciplined and well-educated.
2. Excellent geographic position. It is a potential commercial hub between Europe and Asia. Through Ukraine passes one of the branches of the so-called Silk Road from China to Europe.
3. Ukraine is booming with reforms. Since 2015 there has been a National Anticorruption Bureau. Struggle against corruption is seen as a vital prerequisite to economic prosperity. Economic reforms envision high-tech agriculture, machine-building and IT as principal economic growth drivers. Since February of 2019 currency transactions are regulated by a liberal law ‘On Currency and Currency Transactions’. Investors shall not bother about transferring their money abroad.
4. Ukraine made its choice: the country promptly strives to obtain membership in the European Union as well as in NATO. The Association Agreement with the EU has been active since 01 January 2016. A Free Trade agreement governs the trade between the EU and Ukraine.
5. Warren Buffet, the famous American investor, said once, “Whether we’re talking about socks or stocks, I like buying quality merchandise when it is marked down.” Now Ukraine is “marked down”, so to say. So, be among the ones who are in time to take their positions at this potentially highly-lucrative market.